DAP Catch-up Meeting 2022

January 7, 2022
min read


All times are BST (GMT+1) (UK local time)

9.15am Registration and coffee for in person participants / Conference log-in for online participants
9.45am Introduction
Louise Gullifer (University of Cambridge)
10.00am Stablecoin Regulation
Urszula McCormack (King & Wood Mallesons HK)
Commentator: Simon Gleeson (University of Oxford and Clifford Chance)
11.00am Break
11.15am Digital Assets and Private International Law
Alex Mills (UCL)
Commentator: Andrew Dickinson (University of Oxford)
12.15pm MiCAR
Matthias Lehmann (University of Vienna and Radboud University Nijmegen)
Commentator: Ferdisha Snagg (Cleary Gottlieb)
1.15pm Lunch for in person participants
2.00pm Digital Assets, Blockchain and Relativity of Title
Duncan Sheehan (University of Leeds)
Commentator: Sarah Green (Law Commission E&W)
3.00pm Break
3.15pm DAOs
Eva Micheler (LSE) and Kevin Werbach (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)
Commentator: Matthew Kimber (Matter Labs)
4.15pm Concluding remarks
Louise Gullifer (University of Cambridge)
4.30pm Tea and informal discussion for in person participants / End of conference for online participants.

View presentations from previous events here.

View published papers from the Oxford Digital Assets Project.

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