Fee charged for the listing of a product/security/instrument on the Fusang Exchange’s various listing venues:
Main Board (public) Listing Fees
| Asset Class | Exchange Listing Fee |
| :--- | :--- |
| Public Equity & Shares | Waived |
| Public Credit & Bonds | Waived |
| Public Funds & ETFs | Waived |
| Public Sukuk | Waived |
| Public Structured Products | Waived |
Private Market (private) Listing Fees
| Asset Class | Exchange Listing Fee |
| :--- | :--- |
| Private Equity & Shares | Waived |
| Private Credit & Bonds | Waived |
| Private Funds & ETFs | Waived |
| Private Sukuk | Waived |
| Private Structured Products | Waived |
Virtual Asset Market (non-security tokens) Listing Fees
| Asset Class | Exchange Listing Fee |
| :--- | :--- |
| Cryptocurrencies | Waived |
| Utility Tokens | Waived |
Primary Offering/Distribution Fee
When doing a primary offering (capital raise) via the Fusang Exchange, Issuers must define a Distribution Fee (% of funds raised), that is paid to participating Type 2 Trading Agents upon successful distribution.
Fusang Exchange charges 30% of that Distribution Fee upon success.
- For example, if an equity issuer defines a 5% Distribution Fee, and raises USD 10m, USD 0.5m will be paid as the Distribution Fee (taken out of the total funds raised).
- Type 2 Trading Agents participating in the distribution will in total receive 3.5% (USD 0.35m) out of the 5% Distribution Fee, and Fusang Exchange will receive 1.5% (USD 0.15m).
ISIN Issuance Fee
- Issuance of Malaysian (MY) ISIN: Waived for all listings
Services provided by Fusang Exchange Ltd.